Personal Loan in Malaysia

To secure a personal loan, understanding eligibility criteria is crucial, including factors such as employment history, residence, credit score, age, and occupation. Start your hassle-free journey with us!.

Types of personal loan

We provide a full range of expert bank loan consultancy services and remediation to support your financial needs. In today's dynamic financial landscape, the significance of adept bank loan consultancy and advisory services cannot be overstated. Our loan financial advisors cover a wide spectrum stated as below :

Unsecured Personal Loan

An unsecured personal loan, one can potentially borrow without the need to attach any asset and it may also potentially impact a shorter repayment period.

Secured Personal Loan

In a secured personal loan, one has to use asset as collateral, typically homes. This can lower interest rates, increase loan amounts, and increase borrowing periods.

Debt-conso Personal Loan

If you have multiple debts, especially some with high interest rates, hire a debt consolidation advisor is the best approach to lower your monthly instalment payments.

Low Rate Personal Loan

The interest rates start from 3% and remain fixed throughout the repayment period. You can use the loan for debt consolidation and enjoy low monthly instalments.

Possible reasons of rejection

Are you getting rejected? Get our personal credit advisor to do a thorough assessment of personal credit reports, including CTOS and CCRIS with no charges.

Short Bank Record

Most banks require at least 6 months of CCRIS history, including credit cards and bank loans. Begin by establishing credit with a credit card, or we can assist in resolving this.

Aggresive Borrowing

Having multiple unsecured loans, such as credit cards and personal loans, can harm your credit score. Seek our assistance from our debt management consultant.

Document issues

Document issues like cash salary, inconsistent EPF, or excessive unpaid leave can result in bank rejection. Maintain proper documentation or seek our assistance for support.

Late Loan Payment

Late payments on credit cards, loans (including PTPTN), and telecom bills can impact loan applications. Maintain good payment history or seek assistance for resolution.

How can we help?

Our professional personal credit loan consultant & advisor in Malaysia offers expert advice on your finances. Guiding you in optimizing your credit ratings to ensure you are well-prepared for a successful loan application.


Our bank loan application process is effortlessly streamlined for your convenience.

  • Upon your initial contact, whether for an inquiry or consultation, we will gather relevant financial data, including income, expenses, existing debts, credit score (CCRIS report) and any other relevant details, for free. We will discuss your loan needs, financial goals and current financial situation as well.

  • Based on the information collected, we will assess your loan eligibility and borrowing capacity. We survey the loan market to identify potential financial institutions and products that align with your needs. Various loan options will be compared based on interest rates, tenure, fees and other terms.

  • Obtaining your decision, we will assist you in preparing all necessary documentation for the loan application. We will communicate with the financial institution on your behalf, making sure a smooth application process. Your loan approval status will be informed once we get the update.

  • After approval, we will review the final terms to make sure they align with the initial offer before you sign the agreement. If market conditions change or your financial situation improves, we can guide you on potential refinancing options. We remain available for any further advice or services.

We assist you in understanding your financial standing and provide expert advice on bank loans, ensuring fast loan approval.

Our loan consultants will help you identify potential hurdles in your loan application process and equip you with essential insights to manage your loans efficiently.

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